<p><strong><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.3999996185303px;">Endorsed by Cambridge International Examinations The Cambridge Primary English course that is mindful of learners where English is not their first language. This Student’s Book offers full coverage of the learning objectives, addresses key objectives and includes model texts and other starting points. – Ensures full coverage of the learning objectives – Contains model texts and other stimulating starting points, followed by activities – Addresses key objectives including phonics and spelling, grammar and punctuation, reading, writing and speaking and listening Hodder Cambridge Primary English aids preparation for the Progression tests and Primary Checkpoint test and offers full coverage of the Cambridge Primary English curriculum frameworks for Stages 1-6. There is a Student’s Book, Workbook and a Teacher’s Pack available for each stage.</span></strong></p>
Primary English Hodder Learner’s Book 6
Vendor Information
- Store Name: ATLAS BOOKS
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Hard Copy_IG-Cambridge Geography PastPapers P4 2016-Nov.2024 1 varient
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